What is colon hydrotherapy?
Will I have a normal bowel movement the next day after my colonic?
Some people do and others do not. As we clear out the colon during a session it can sometimes take a couple of days before you have a regular bowel movement again.
Is it customary to tip on a colonic?
Yes, a colonic is a service, not a medical procedure. However, I am very grateful for gratuity that is added to the payment, but never expect it! I recognize that for some folks the cost of a colonic is already a major financial investment.
How can I prepare for a session?
Do not eat 2-3 hours before your colonic. Come well hydrated.
What is best to eat after a colonic?
I suggest to eat light after a session. Preparing bone broth in advance is a bonus. My ultimate favorite after colonic meal is bone broth (especially beef) with miso added in to the bowl for an ultimate gift to your gut.
I recommend steamed or cooked veggies only, nothing raw. Avoid cruciferous vegetables, spicy foods, and anything processed.
Avoid alcohol for the rest of the day and increase your intake of warm liquids (broth and teas).
Will colon hydrotherapy fix my constipation?
In some cases clients find that a series of colonics can dramatically help with acute cases of constipation. Sometimes even getting you back to your normal bowel movements. However, colon hydrotherapy is not a cure, it is an adjunct holistic therapy. Colon hydrotherapy will certainly provide relief in cases of chronic constipation, but often "chronic" means it's been many years to a life time with the issue. To get bowels regulated again it takes work in the form of supplementation, dietary and lifestyle changes. All of which takes time, but is very possible!
Can I see what is coming out during a colonic?
Yes! For many people this is the most amusing part of the process. As waste leaves your body it goes through a "view tube" on the device where you can watch what is being released.
How long is a session?
Sessions are one hour in duration with about 45-50 min of time on the device.
What clothes are removed during a session?
During a session clothing above the waist is kept on while a towel is used to cover exposed areas below the waste. Your dignity and comfort are essential to your ability to relax and release.
What is sound healing?
Sound healing is an ancient practice that utilizes different instruments to harnesses the power of sound vibrations. Sound healing has been shown to calm the mind, promote emotional balance, and enhance healing through a state of relaxation. I bring this into both massage and colon hydrotherapy sessions.
Is a colonic painful?
A colonic session is a comfortable experience for most people; however, cramping and discomfort may occur during sessions as the body works to eliminate. If for any reason a colonic is too uncomfortable a session can be stopped at any time. Proceeding a session many clients report feeling surprised at the ease and gentleness of their colonic experience.
How often is it recommended to get a colonic?
When first starting out a 3 series may be recommended. The timing for this is returning for your second colonic after two days and your third colonic a week from then. Sometimes bowels become hard and compacted in the haustra (pockets of the colon) and can take a few sessions to hydrate and release.
However, I am a huge advocate in listening to your body and finding what feels best for you.
After a series many clients return every 4-6 weeks for maintenance.
Some clients like to come whenever they feel that they need one. While others time their colonics with other cleansing protocols.
What is the difference between an open system vs closed system colonic?
At my practice I use an FDA registered closed system device. This means nothing is exposed to the air. Water goes in one tube and waste goes out another. I am with you the whole time and you are laying comfortably on a massage table during the session.
An open system is a much larger device and is mostly self run with a practitioner coming in to check on you from time to time. For this device water goes in through a speculum and upon release waste goes into a basin and down a drain.
Is a colonic messy?
It is very normal to have concerns that you will leak during a colonic. Although it is uncommon, occasionally there can be some watery leakage around the speculum. Often this happens because something large is wanting to come out and it is blocking the speculum hole. In this case I have many tricks for getting you flowing again.
Not to worry though! A disposable absorbent pad is placed under you during a session to prevent any "mess" that may occur. I got you.